Back to the blogger world

Friday 29 May 2020

After soooo long tak buka blog. Sebenarnya, bukan tak nak buka tapi tak ingat password. Not only password, sekali dengan email pun IJ lupa. As time passed by, IJ pun dah lupa oh I previously had a blog. Punya lama sampai dah keluar dua buku baru. 4 years kot.

2016 was during my student time. Now I become a staffnurse, jadi student balik and come back to work already. Lamanya tuh. Mungkin juga kerana kekangan waktu. Orang kata, busy is always an excuse. Tapi memang busy acanerr? 

Time flies really fast, then. Begitulah hidup kita kan. Masa berlalu, kita pun makin berubah, makin matang menghadapi kerenah hidup, hadapi all the obstacles yang mendatang. Kita menjadi dewasa dengan masa. Mungkin juga jadi makin cantik. Hehe, Opss..Penampilan is something important to look for, ya...

Ok, let's get back to the story, maybe because of the MCO, i feel kinda free plus bored of having a monotonous life. Habis buku IJ belek, lenguh tangan scroll fb, my mind divert to my previous blog. Heh, then try retrieving password, username, all those gmail yang boring tu, few times then alhamdulillah... so happy dapat my blog yang dah bersawang ni.

Im going to put all those older post into recycle bin, maybe just leave behind one or two, as a prove pernah post something over here on 2016😙

And here, I'm not going to share about my novel or cerpen only. Let's enjoy something better yeayy. Sorry to say that, IJ memang masih menulis, but it just getting slow & slower. Hahaha

Gonna update once free only. Now tengah tunggu my team leader habis passing over report. See you when I see you


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